Live Like It's True {Bible Podcast}

How to Overcome My Desire to Control My Husband {Kelly Needham}

Kelly Needham Season 4 Episode 39

Do you ever struggle with control? And do you sometimes feel like taking control is noble and right? Do you think, "If I don't do something here, the whole world is going to come unhinged!"

If that's you, I can totally relate. But I can also relate, if you're feeling like your inner Control Girl has caused you to look back with some regret and heartache.

We have Kelly Needham back today, to talk about "The Desire to Control my Husband", but I want to add right at the top, that this desire can be a problem also for women who don't have a husband. So if you're not married, this episode is still for you.

Guest: Kelly Needham

Bible Passage: Genesis 3:16

Get your Freebie: The Live Like It's True Workbook

Mentioned Resources: 

Music: Cade Popkin Music

Recommended Resources:  Go to the extended shownotes for my recommended books, podcast episodes and more, which correlate with our conversations about Genesis 1-3 here in season 4.

Kelly Needham hopes to convince as many people as possible that nothing compares to knowing Jesus. She teaches the Bible at her home church and co-leads a Women’s Teaching Program, training women to accurately handle the word of truth. She is the author of Friendish: Reclaiming Real Friendship in a Culture of Confusion and is a frequent blogger and speaker. Kelly and her husband, Jimmy, have four children and live in the Dallas, Texas area.

Find Kelly

Control Girls of the Bible

As I studied these women of the Bible, I realized that they were all doing what I try to do: They were trying to grab for or hold onto control, based on her small-minded perspective—and she was making everyone miserable. Want to discover what lessons I learned about control, about myself, and about God?

Ultimately that study became my Bible study, Control Girl: Lessons on Surrendering Your Burden of Control from Seven Women in the Bible

I'd love for you to join me for this nine-week study.

For the full set of shownotes, including recommended resources on Genesis 1-3, and more, go here.  

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