Live Like It's True {Bible Podcast}

BONUS: Sharing the True Story of Easter {Karlena from Storyrunners}

Shannon Popkin Season 2 Episode 22

Have you shared the true story of the Bible with anyone lately? Would you like to, but need a little help getting started? If so, you're in the right place. 

Karlena de la Cruz, from StoryRunners is my guest, and we're talking about sharing the Easter story. Will you be gathering with friends or family this week? What if you took a few minutes to share an Easter story?

Guest: Karlena de la Cruz

Bible Passage: Luke 24:1-11

Get your Freebie: The Live Like It's True Workbook

Mentioned Resources:

  • StoryRunners
  • Cru (Campus Crusade), founded by Bill and Vonette Bright
  • Sign up for a story experience here.
  • Register for storytelling training here.
  • Listen to oral story recordings here.

Music: Cade Popkin Music
Shownotes: get the full set here

Leading a Story Discussion

  • Tell the story.
  • Retell the story.
    • Ask the group to piece the story together.
    • Ask prompting questions, like, "What happened next?"
    • Go in a circle.
    • Toss a ball, and whoever catches the ball tells the next bit of the story.
  • Learn the story together
    • Perhaps you'll act it out
    • Learn using hand motions
    •  Use objects to retell the story
    • Go through twice this way.
  • Break into pairs and retell the story to each other.
    • It's good to separate out.
    • The storyteller can help those who get stuck.
  • Come back together and have someone volunteer (or be voluntold) to retell the story.
  • Discuss the story using these questions:
    • What did you like in this story? (Not looking for analytical, looking for devotional thoughts.)
    • What in the story was confusing? What did you not like?
    • What does this story tell you about people? How did the people react? What can we learn about human nature?
    • What did you learn about God in this story? What about Jesus? The Holy Spirit?
    • If this story were really true, how would you life be different?
    • Who am I going to go out and tell this story to?

Don't Miss the True Story in the Dark with Asheritah

Make sure to return on Wednesday, as Asherita Ciuciu and I  talk about the True Story in the Dark. If you know Asheritah, you know she's the perfect guest to lead us through a conversation about this somber, yet pinnacle moment of the whole story of the Bible: Those hours that Jesus hung in the dark on a cross. You won't want to miss it. 

Learn more at

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